Panel Discussion: Holocaust in the Light of Religions

On Friday (10.05) Fr. Roman Kaminsky participated in a panel discussion on the topic: The Holocaust in the light of the three religions. The panel was held at the Beit Yad Labanim auditorium in Netanya at the initiative of Roni Meir Dotan, a Holocaust researcher and director of commemoration projects. In addition to Fr. Roman, the following participated in the panel: Dr. Batia Brotin, Mr. Avi Salma and Rabbi Israel Weiss. Unfortunately, the representative of Islam was not able to make it to the panel.

The panel members addressed significant and challenging issues: Where was God during the Holocaust? What is the role and significance of faith, compassion, love for humanity, and solidarity during the Holocaust? And how can we integrate these values into today’s society?

All participants agreed that God was indeed present during the Holocaust, alongside His people, within the hearts of the righteous, who suffered themselves while trying to alleviate the suffering of others.

Fr. Roman elaborated that God grants human beings free will, as stated in the Book of Deuteronomy 30:19: “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose life, that you and your offspring may live.”

He explained that God invites us to choose goodness and life but does not prevent us from choosing evil and death.

Furthermore, Fr. Roman emphasized that we will not learn much from the Holocaust if we overlook the suffering of other nations, such as Armenia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and others. We must recognize the humanity in each individual, created in the image of God; otherwise, there will be no end to wars.

A week earlier (04.05) Fr. Roman, together with Rabbi Elkana Sharlo and Shayk Khalil and his wife met the students of Mekhina (Army Preparatory School) of Shoval.

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