New Movie for Children: Pentecost

The new project of St. James Vicariate in collaboration with Canção Nova. We continue to translate and make new dubbing to the children cartoon movies about the events from the New Testament and the history of the Church. The new movie is ready and may be seen on our YouTube channel.

The first movie for children, about the Pentecost is already on our YouTube channel.

Click: HERE to see it.

The Canção Nova Community is a Catholic charismatic community, founded by Fr. Jonas Abib and recognized by the Pontifical Council for the Laity as a private international association of faithful, endowed with legal personality and It has its headquarters in the city of Cachoeira Paulista, Diocese of Lorena, São Paulo – Brazil.

The term “Canção Nova” means in Portuguese "a new song", a theme that runs through the entire history of salvation: it is the song of the redeemed, the song of new women and men for the New World. The Canção Nova Community is committed to being this song for the Church and the world. The Canção Nova Community intends to be the “a House of Mary” in the Church, understanding this expression in the biblical sense: of the descendants of Mary, of the family of Mary, with her as Mother and teacher.

The Canção Nova Community is a part of the Body of Christ and is made up of women and men; young people and adults; single, married and celibate, priests and deacons, who assume the most radical experience of consecration to God made in Baptism and Confirmation, as a function of the apostolate, in a life in community, according to the vocation of each one. This experience is inspired by the practice of evangelical virtues, adapted to secular life.

The foundation of the Canção Nova Community is the Gospel: living and communicating it in an integral way, in the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit, while awaiting and hastening the glorious coming of the Lord (cf. 2Pt:3,12), must be the commitment of all members.

In case you would like to be a part of the project and give your voice to the characters of the movies, contact your parish priest.

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