Feast of Independence 2024

Yom Haatzmaut, the Israeli Independence Day, is a grand annual celebration that takes place in late April or early May. It commemorates the day in 1948 (according to the Hebrew calendar) when Israel proclaimed its independence. Celebrations marking this significant event are held all over Israel, both at a national level and within local communities. Almost every city, town, and village participates in some form of celebration. In 2024, Yom Haatzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) was observed from the evening of May 13 until the evening of May 14.

That year, against the backdrop of the Gaza war and the number of hostages still being held in captivity, the 2024 Yom HaAtzmaut events understandably looked a little different. The traditional Air Force flyover did not take place. Most municipalities also decided to cut any big performances and artists. Fireworks shows were also mostly ruled out to protect soldiers and victims from any potential noise triggers.

The members of the Communities celebrated the Day of Independence in various ways.

Traditional Barbeque in Tiberias

For the 76th anniversary of the Independence of the State of Israel, on May 14, at the church of St. Peter in Tiberias, we gathered in the name of friendship in a familiar and convivial atmosphere.

This day is always a day off, and therefore it offers an excellent chance for all of our parishioners and our friends to meet and share together. It is always a joy to be able to celebrate and stay together, and this enjoying the different foods prepared by all of us and, above all, with an excellent barbeque.

Mass and Meal in Haifa

At the Mass we prayed for the State of Israel, the hostages kept and the soldiers from our families. The prayer for the Day of Independence was read. We also prayed for peace in our region and other places touched by conflicts.

Trekking and Barbeque in Magdala

We also saw our visit this year to the Sea of Galilee as a continuation of what will almost become our "tradition" to mark the holiday and also as an opportunity to look at the situation in a different, slightly more encouraging way. We met on the eve of Independence Day in Casanova in Tiberias. The pleasant and relaxed hospitality allowed us to get to know each other, at a joint dinner, and to reunite again despite the time that has passed. In such situations when it is not fear but the unity of the hearts and the intent of faith that connects people, it is once again easier to prove how strong the power of true love is. Like the apostles of Jesus, who even after his departure continued to act in unity due to faith, and in this was their strength, so too we, the members of the communities of Messiah, are reminded of every such meeting, with every blessing over the food and talk of faith and prayer, of the great power we have in our unity.

The next morning we woke up early in order to have time to fulfill the main "custom" - a nature trail route. After a shared breakfast - full and nutritious thanks to all those who took the trouble to prepare the food and the organization - we started the challenging route up Mount Harbel. As with re-reading a chapter from the Bible or the Gospel, it is always surprising to see how many new things can be learned even from sections of the road that we have already done several times in the past! We just open our hearts and senses and we can hear the deep and multifaceted call of God in nature. And also a deviation from the path can lead to other revelations, through which the Lord seeks to renew our conversation. This time, interestingly, we met on the side of the path up the mountain, on the way to the main road, in a humble burial cave of one of the ancestors we all share: the tomb of Seth, the first human. The mention of the Book of Set taught us in this context about God's power to strengthen life even after the wars (the first murder in history!) seem to destroy everything.

After the arduous journey of going up and down the mountain, we stayed with the Franciscans in Magdala, and gathered together with members of other communities for prayer. At the mass, we especially remembered the independence that the state celebrates, together with the hope that the current suffering it and its neighbors are subjected to will come to an end. And we heard about the hope and expectation of complete joy in today's gospel: "These things I have spoken to you so that my joy may be in your midst and your joy may be complete" (John 15:11). Hence, as Father Apollinaris demanded, our joy is also the indication for us to know whether we love the Lord and live according to his words.

In addition, we were honored by the visit of Fr. Piotr, the Patriarch's Vicar, who arrived after a 2-days long journey on foot from Nazareth. With him we closed the day with a festive and satisfying meal, meat and fish, salads and breads. All these are the handiwork of each of the participants themselves, including the hardworking fishermen, thank you very much for the preparations and help!

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