Summer camp 2018: an experience with Jesus and his friends

In Deir Rafat, from the 9th to the 20th of July, we had a summer camp for the children. Benny reports.

This year too, following our tradition, the kids of the Saint James Vicariate, have been invited to the great happening of the summer: the summer camp in Deir Rafat.

This year we tried a new format, instead of the 10 consecutive days, we opted for a double program, of five days each, with an interruption during the week end. This is why the camp lasted from the 9th to the 20th of July, without counting Saturday and Sunday.

The subject around which the camp was organized was “Jesus and his friends”, a series of Gospel stories in which Jesus meets people and establishes with them friendly relationships (the Twelve, Mary, Martha and Lazarus, the Centurion, the deaf man…).kaitana july2018 1kaitana july2018 2

During the morning the kids were busy with different workshops (lesson, art, science, games), until Mass, and then in the afternoon they enjoyed a long free time during which they could register for one of the several activities offered by the counselors: cooking, dancing, tennis table, football and choir.

On Thursdays there was a trip to the beach in Ashkelon, very much appreciated by our children.

In the summer camp participated around 80 kids, counting both those who came for 5 days only and those who returned for the second round.

The team of counselors included, beside the stable group (priests from the kehillot, Danielle from Jerusalem, sr. Claudia, deacon Benny, two sisters of St. Dorotea, and sr. Sara from Italy), 2 seminarians of the Neocatecumenal way, 3 Italian volunteers, 1 young guy from Germany, and sr. Agnès who came expressly from Paris in order to help in the kitchen, like every year. In addition to that, some representatives from the youth group “Desert flower”.

We can say that this summer camp has been delightful for both kids and adults. We still have in our hearts the voices singing the words of the hymn: “Jesus Christ, Jesus from Nazareth: he is the one who teaches me to love my neighbor”.

Here is a link for those who wish to listen to the hymn of this year’s summer camp:

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