Pope Francis expresses his prayer and his proximity after the deadly stampede in Mount Meron

Pope Francis expressed his "closeness" to the Israelis who observe a national mourning after the deadly stampede that occurred during the pilgrimage to Mount Meron.

On the occasion of the Regina Caeli prayer in St. Peter's Square on May 2, 2021, Pope Francis said his “sadness”: “With sadness, I express my closeness to the people of Israel for the accident. which took place last Friday on Mount Meron, leaving forty-five people dead and many injured. I assure remembering in prayer the victims of this tragedy and their families. "

On their part, the Catholic bishops - the “Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land” - sent also a message of condolence to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin after the murderous stampede in Galilee, on the night of April 29 to 30, 2021, during the Jewish holiday of Lag BaOmer celebrating the anniversary of the death of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohaï.

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