Special baptism in Haifa's kehilla

Elena a member of the Shalom community and active in the Haifa kehilla sent us a report on Silvia's baptism.


Last year's Advent all the kehillot prayed for Silvia, a six-month premature baby born weighing less than a kilogram, daughter of Silvania and Tennessee, Brazilian members of the Shalom Community. We thank wholeheartedly all who interceded for Silvia's survival and now we share the best gift she could receive after life itself: the sacrament of baptism.

On Saturday morning, the eve of the feast of Christ the King, in the Haifa kehillah we celebrated Silvia's baptism in an atmosphere of intense joy and gratitude as she is totally healthy and a gift from God to her parents and to all who know her.

Father Roman who accompanied the process of the recovery and growth of Silvia, celebrated a loving ceremony, explaining it part by part, reminding us who were present of the meaning of what we were celebrating and what it is to receive the life of Christ and the forgiveness of all sins, a grace that is continually renewed until we reach Heaven. What a joy to see Silvia receiving the gift of eternal life, becoming a new member of the Body of Christ!

She behaved very well, did not cry one moment and in fact as we can see in the picture, Silvia stared lovingly at Father Roman while he was praying and anointing her as she knows him very well.

As we are about to start Advent again, may the Holy Spirit renew in us the life of Christ that we also received in our baptism. May we stare at Jesus with the same confidence and openness of heart with which Silvia did.

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