Christmas in the Jerusalem kehilla 2016

As always, Christmas was a very busy time in the Jerusalem kehilla.

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On Christmas eve, the chapel in the Saints Simeon and Anne House in Jerusalem was packed to capacity. Alongside the members of the kehilla, there were many guests. It was a great joy to see among them so many Jewish friends, in particular those who came from Kehillat Zion, the synagogue community that studies with the Jerusalem kehilla once a month. There were also a number of Messianic Jewish and Russian Orthodox friends who made a point of coming to pray with the kehilla. Father Rafic, the responsible for the Jerusalem kehilla, celebrated the mass, and in his homily drew attention to the fact that Christmas is the feast of the poor and reminding ourselves that in so many ways we are all poor. Prayers rang out for justice and peace and for those suffering, especially the people of Aleppo in Syria. The mass was particularly joyful and beautifully accompanied by the music of Benny and Tiago and the other members of the choir. After the prayer, the many present squeezed into the little parish hall to share hot chocolate and cider and other tasty delicacies prepared for the occasion.

On Christmas day, the chapel was again packed to capacity. This time there were tens of children, especially those from the Saint Rachel Center who came to mass with their parents. Despite the chaos, the noise, the constant movement, Father David, responsible for the Hebrew speaking Catholics in Israel celebrated the mass. He focused in his homily on what he termed “the Gospel within the Gospel”: that God ardently desires to be incarnate and dwell among us in our torn and bleeding world. After the mass, those present gathered in the parish hall for a delicious meal together, prepared by the Filipino, Eritrean and Ethiopian parents as well as members of the kehilla.

After the meal, those present made their way to the convent of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and gathered in their large spacious church for a program prepared by the children. The children, in beautiful costumes, acted out the nativity story, starting with the annunciation to Mary and Joseph. The play ended with song and dance and was followed by a distribution of gifts and the singing of carols by Tiago, Brother of Sion and the novices of Our Lady of Sion.

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לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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