Beginning summer kid’s program at the Vicariate

On Monday, July 18, 2016, the first group of 25 children gathered at the Vicariate in Jerusalem for a first full day of activities during the summer holidays.

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The children, all Hebrew speaking children of migrants, who are integrated in the Israeli Hebrew speaking school system, arrive at the Vicariate each day from mid July until the end of August. The day is full of special activities, learning social skills, improving language capacities and deepening religious practice. The numbers of children generally increase as the summer goes on.

This year, the regular staff of the after school children’s program, Claudia and Sister Claudia, are assisted by four volunteers, Miguel and Tarek, two Neo-Catechumenate seminarians who will go to Poland at the end of the week, Samuela from Italy who is here for a week after the ten days she spent with the children at the camp in Deir Rafat, and Sister Sara from the Community of the little Family of the Annunciation and who will stay until the end of the summer.

Alongside these children, the day care center, with 22 infants, is in full swing under the capable administration of Guillaume and Amandine, two French volunteers, and Ainsley, an American member of the team.

לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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