Released Sudanese woman visits the Pope

On July 24, 2014, Pope Francis has met with the young Sudanese woman, Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag, 26 years old, raised as a Muslim, who was imprisoned and sentenced to death for marrying a Christian.


Meriam was arrested after her family accused her, a Muslim, of marrying a Christian but she argued that she was in fact a Christian and this family was not her original family. Held in prison, where she gave birth to her second child, Meriam was at the center of an international campaign for her release. Meriam arrived in Rome on Thursday morning, July 24, on an Italian government plane.

The Holy Father met with in Casa Santa Marta at the Vatican. Meriam was accompanied by her husband, Daniel Wani, and their two young children, Martin, 18 months old, and Maya, born in prison two months ago. "The Pope thanked Meriam for her witness of faith," said the director of the Vatican press office, Fr. Federico Lombardi. He added that she and her family "thanked the Pope for his closeness, prayers, and for the support of the Church."

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