Hundreds of Indian Catholics march in Jaffa

Hundreds of Indian Catholics gathered in Jaffa on Saturday, September 10, 2011, and participated in a Marian procession through the streets.


Celebrating the nativity of the Virgin Mary, hundreds of migrant workers and pilgrims from India marched in a procession to mark the Nativity of Mary, a feast celebrated on September 8. The procession was organized by the Indian chaplaincy, headed by Franciscan Father Jay. The feast, an Indian Catholic tradition, is called Monti Feast.

The square in front of Saint Peter's Church in Old Jaffa filled with Indians, young women in brilliantly colored saris and young men, many in suits and ties and others in flowing kaftans. Shortly after 17.00, Father Jay announced the beginning of the procession. Father David, Patriarchal Vicar and Coordinator of the Pastoral for Migrants, prayed over the statue of the Virgin and H.E. Bishop William Shomali, Auxiliary of the Latin Patriarch, blessed the statue and the procession began.

Hundreds marched slowly from Saint Peter's Church to Saint Anthony's, through the streets of Jaffa. Traffic was stopped by the police and many stopped to watch the colorful procession and listen to the melodic chanting in Konkany, the language of many of the Indian migrant workers in Israel.

Bishop Shomali celebrated a festive Eucharist, which was followed by a reception with tasty Indian food shared in a festive mood.

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