Israelis mobilize for children of foreign workers

Many Israelis, fearful for the fate of the children of foreign workers, are mobilizing to support their right to stay in the country.



In Israel there are hundreds of children of foreign workers who are born here, learn in Hebrew language schools and who do not know another country. These children feel themselves to be one hundred percent part of us, they express themselves in perfect Hebrew and are a part of the social fabric.

Many Israelis, including well known public figures are mobilizing to fight for the right of these children to stay among us and be a part of our society. We publish here two video clips that were made as a part of this campaign for these children.

children_foreign1. My home, your home: Israeli project for the children of foreign workers
Words: Yuval Elbashan, Music: Guy Maroz
Participating: Pupils of the choir of Bialik Rogozin School, Rotem Ilan, Minister Prof. Avishai Brawerman, Maya Bengal, Merav Batito, Tami Gordon, Member of Knesset Ilan Gilon, Alon Gal, Yael Dayan, Member of Knesset Nitsan Horowitz, Orly Vilnai, Member of Knesset Dan Hanin, Karen Tal, Haim Yavin, Gidon Levi, Member of Knesset Eitan Kabel, Ran Cohen, Ivri Leider, Member of Knesset Shlomo Mulla, Billy Moskona Lehrman, Guy Maroz, Deputy Minister Orit Noked, Dror Feuer, Ophir Pines, Member of Knesset Carmel Shama, Motti Kirschenbaum, Emmanuel Rosen, Yossi Sarid, Member of Knesset Yuli Tamir.
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2. In our backyard
Words and music: Naomi Shemer, Singing: Pupils of the choir of Bialik Rogozin School
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