Easter with the migrant communities in the Holy Land

The tens of thousands of migrants in the Holy Land celebrated Holy Week and Easter with great devotion.

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Indians and Sri Lankans march Palm Sunday route

Holy Week began early for the migrants who work on Sundays. Palm Sunday masses were already celebrated on Friday night, March 18 and continued through to Sunday. On Saturday almost 1500 Indians and Sri Lankans marched the traditional Palm Sunday route in Jerusalem and the following day many other migrants including large contingents of Filipinos joined the Palm Sunday procession with the Latin Patriarch.

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Filipinos march in Palm Sunday procession with Latin Patriarch

Whereas the Filipino and Indian communities have priest chaplains and are served by a number of priests resident in the Holy Land, the Sri Lankan chaplain is a sister and a priest, Father Yohann, came from Sri Lanka to conduct services in Sinhala.
See a clip from the Sri Lankan Good Friday service in Jerusalem here

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Easter vigil with Sri Lankan community in Saint Anthony in Jaffa

The Ge’ez rite community celebrates Easter according to the Eastern calendar and thus will conduct their prayers only towards the end of April.

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