Pope Francis proclaims Saints John XXIII and John Paul II

On Sunday, April 27, 2014, Feast of the Divine Mercy, Pope Francis proclaimed Popes John XXIII and John Paul II as saints.


In a moving ceremony, attended by cardinals, bishops, priests, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, heads of state, representatives of many Churches and non-Christian religions, Pope Francis declared Popes John XXIII and John Paul II saints. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI attended the ceremony in Saint Peter’s Square and was warmly embraced by Pope Francis during the solemn entry.

Before the Universal Church, the Pope read the decree, officially declaring John Paul II and John XXIII as saints. Applause quickly followed in the Square, as thousands paid their respects in Rome and throughout the world. Relatives of John XXIII and also the woman cured through the intercession of John Paul II carried the relics of the two new saints.

In his homily, the Pope explained why they both exemplified God's love and mercy: “These were two men of courage, filled with the parrhesia of the Holy Spirit, and they bore witness before the Church and the world to God’s goodness and mercy.”

Even when faced with tragedy and suffering, the Pope explained that the two new saints, were brave: “They were priests, bishops and popes of the twentieth century. They lived through the tragic events of that century, but they were not overwhelmed by them. For them, God was more powerful.”

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