Priests' meeting – April 11, 2014

The priests of the Saint James Vicariate for Hebrew speaking Catholics in Israel met on Friday, April 11, 2014, at Our Lady Woman of Valor Pastoral Center in Tel Aviv.

Present at the meeting were eleven priests, including the priests responsible for the communities in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Haifa, Nazareth and Beer Sheba, and both priests working with the Russian-speaking communities. This was the first time that the priests of the Hebrew speaking communities visited the new center for migrants in Tel Aviv.

The meeting began with a time to share on the Gospel that will be read on Sunday, at the liturgy. This was followed by news from the different communities.

In addition the following subjects were also discussed:

- Preparations for Easter

- The visit of the Pope in May

- The publication of a family prayer book and a children’s book about Jesus

- Activities in the summer (children’s camps and youth group trips)

- Annual retreat for priests in October.

Lunch was shared by the priests together and it was a real Filipino feast, prepared by one of the Filipino administrators of the Center and served by the sisters who live in the Center.

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