Noa participates in John Paul II musical

Ahinoam Nini, known as Noa, renown Israeli singer, has participated in the composition of the musical that is consecrated to the figure of Blessed Pope John Paul II.


Noa composed five songs for the musical that is directed by Duccio Forzano. The musical tells the story of the life of Pope John Paul II, beginning at the moment of the assassination attempt against him in 1981. The musical is due to premier in Italy at the end of the year.

Noa commented on her meetings with the Pope: “He would always say beautiful things. He would ask me, 'What's the situation in Israel?' And he would say that peace in the world would come when Jews and Christians would find a way to truly live in harmony. And of course, he would say to me, like he said to everyone: that he believes that there should never be war in name of God.”

See video clip here

And here



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