Renewed mandate for Pizzaballa as Custos

On June 28, 2013, it was announced that Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa has been named Custos of the Holy Land, renewing his mandate for another three years.


Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa was elected Franciscan Custos of the Holy Land in 2004. His initial mandate was renewed after six years for another three years in 2010. This mandate has now been renewed for a further three years.

Father Pizzaballa, born in 1965 in Bergamo, Italy, came to the Holy Land as a young Franciscan. After his studies, he served in the Hebrew speaking communities. He was responsible for the Jerusalem kehilla and set up the House of Saints Simeon and Anne, which today serves as the home of the Vicariate. After the death of Bishop Jean-Baptiste Gourion OSB in 2005, Pizzaballa was named Patriarchal Vicar, a position in which he served until 2008.

We assure him of our prayers, that the Lord might accompany him and strengthen him in his service of the Church.

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