Vatican Ambassador takes leave of the Holy Land

After six years of service in the Holy Land, Archbishop Antonio Franco is leaving his post as Vatican Ambassador to Israel and Cyprus and Apostolic Delegate to the Palestinian Authority.


In a series of masses, in Cyprus, Jaffa, Jerusalem and Bethlehem, to celebrate the seven years of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Antonio Franco, Papal Nuncio in Israel and Cyprus and Apostolic Delegate to the Palestinian Authority, will take leave of the Holy Land. His service over the past six years saw great progress in the negotiations between Israel and the Holy See on the accords that will be signed. Likewise, this period saw the beginning of negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and the Holy See on parallel accords. Archbishop Franco actively participated in all aspects of the life of the Church, following developments with great interest and played an important role in the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land. He was always interested in our Hebrew speaking communities and helped whenever there was a need.

Before coming to the Holy Land, he had served as Nuncio in the Ukraine and in the Philippines.

We wish him well in all he does in the coming years. Archbishop Franco has reached the age of 75 and will retire from the active diplomatic service.

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