Kehillot respond to the emergency appeal of Franciscans

In the light of the dramatic events in Syria, Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Custos of the Holy Places and head of the Franciscans in the Holy Land, published an emergency appeal and asked the Christians around the world to contribute to their brothers in Syria. The Hebrew speaking Catholic kehillot in Israel also responded to his call.

On Sunday, the second of the Lenten period, March 4, 2012, all the Hebrew speaking Catholic communities in Israel mobilized in order to collect contributions as a response to the call of Father Pizzaballa. The contributions which were collected in the kehillot of Jerusalem, Jaffa, Haifa, Beer Sheba, Latroun, Tiberias and Nazareth amount to 9000 shekel and will be transferred to the Franciscans as assistance for their efforts to continue their humanitarian work in Syria. With this small token of solidarity with our Christian brothers, go our fervent prayers for their wellbeing and an end to the violence.

See a video clip with Father Pizzaballa's appeal here




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