Indian New Year celebration

The Indian Chaplaincy in the Holy Land organized a New Year celebration on Saturday, December 31, 2016, in Beit Dani, Tel Aviv.

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Holy Mass was celebrated in English at 9.00 and the main celebrant was Father Michael Grospe, Director of the our Lady Woman of Valor Pastoral Center. The con-celebrants included Father Tojy Jose OFM, Indian chaplain in the Holy Land, Father Dominic Mendonsa OP, Father Kevin Gonsalves OFM cap and Father Santhosh Lobo OFM cap. It was followed by a time of adoration, conducted by Father Kevin. Coffee and snacks were served after the adoration.

This was followed by a spectacular performance of carols, dances, skits based on the theme of Christmas in Konkani, Malayalam and Gujarathi. A good crowd of about 700 people were in attendance.

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