Jaffa’s community weekend

Yossi from the Jaffa kehilla reports on a community weekend that took place on Friday and Saturday, November 18 and 19, 2016.

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On Friday, November 18, in the hours of the afternoon, members of the Jaffa kehilla gathered in Casa Nova, a pilgrim hospice in Tiberias for an especially enjoyable social gathering. The gathering began with the distribution of rooms, double and family size, to the joyful cries of children. After getting organized, the participants came together for a lectio divina prayer, accompanied by suitable songs on the theme of the reading from the Sunday Gospel, led by Father Apolinary. During this time, the children watched a movie. After the prayer, those present brought out their barbecues that were soon giving off aromas that tantalized the nostrils of the residents of Tiberias and could compete with any fashionable restaurant in the city. At the end of the meal, all went off to bed.

In the morning, everyone gathered again in the dining room and after a prayer of thanksgiving, everyone sat down to enjoy what the staff of the hospice had prepared for breakfast. At 9.30, the group got into their cars and made their way to the nature reserve of the Yehodaya forest and the weather was perfect for hikers even if strong winds meant that each one had to wrap himself or herself in sweaters and caps. After a walk of about one hour, with breaks along the way to drink and share snacks, we reached the heights above the Zavitan waterfalls with a magnificent view that opened up before us and which took our breaths away. The winding descent to the pool at the foot of the waterfalls was not easy but pleasurable. When we reached the pool, we could rest and we enjoyed these beautiful moment of communing with the grandeur of nature and the wondrous creation. Climbing back up, the children were the stars as they clambered over the rocks like gazelles.

The end of this pleasurable day was in Tabgha where we had a meal (barbecue of course) and celebrated mass as one should in the courtyard of the church. At the end of the prayer, Father Apolinary wished everyone a safe trip home. We give thanks to the Lord for his blessings and we wish that there will be more occasions like this one.

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