Prayer on the internet

Already for more than half a year, members of the Latroun kehilla gather together in front of the computer three times a week in order to pray.

prayer internet

Everything began during a retreat day that took place last summer. At that time, everyone felt the need for community prayer and encounter more than just once a week, on Saturdays when we come together for the celebration of the Eucharist. However each one has a family, work, a homer. There is no possibility to meet more often. It was then that the idea “to pray by means of the internet” was born. Two weeks later we began to pray by means of Skype. The prayer of the rosary takes place twice a week and on Friday we prayer together a special prayer of God’s mercy. Before the big feasts (Christmas, the feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary), the group meets each day on the internet to pray the novena prayers. Right now, during Lent, on Fridays, we pray and meditate the Passion of the Lord.

Together with the disciples of Jesus, we ask: “Lord, teach us how to pray” and we are assisted by the world of technology that enables communication by means of the computer and internet. This helps us draw closer to God and offers the opportunity to pray and meditate on the Word of God.

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