Italian youth visit Desert Flower

In August 2013, the members of Desert Flower, the youth group of the Saint James Vicariate, were hosted by the youth of Pozzuoli, a town near Naples in Italy. This year, the group came to Israel from August 6 to 13, 2015, and were hosted by Desert Flower. Father Piotr reports:

pozuolli jerusalem

Two years ago, the youth group "Desert Flower" visited Naples and the beautiful diocese of Pozzuoli. This summer the young Catholics from Italy were hosted by our youth in Israel. Twenty young people arrived in the country and were accompanied by two priests, among them Father Mario, who is responsible for the pastoral work with the youth in the diocese of Pozzuoli and he was accompanied by two seminarians. From Israel there were 18 participants (including Fathers Apolinary and Piotr and Benny, our seminarian). Our guests arrived on Thursday (August 6) evening and after dinner and a short introductory meeting needed to rest after the trip from Naples through Rome to Tel Aviv and Ein Karem, where we had our headquarters in the monastery of the Franciscan Fathers.

Immediately, on the first day we left on a trip to Galilee with a visit to Caesarea, where Benny introduced us to the stay of Saint Paul in that place, and to Haifa, where Father Roman, with a few teenagers from the parish, welcomed us for lunch. Finally after the Holy Mass at Mount Carmel, we arrived to Nazareth. We stayed at the Sisters of Nazareth, and after the closing of the Basilica of the Annunciation we received a special permission to pray there during the night. The next day we visited the churches in Tabgha (the Multiplication of Bread and Fish and Peter's Primacy), where Father Apolinary introduced the meditation about the texts from the Gospel and where we shared our thoughts in small groups. After a short visit to the Mount of Beatitudes and Capernaum, we took a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. The first minutes on the boat were filled with joy and dancing. Afterwards Father Piotr reminded us of the story of Jesus walking on the surface of water and invited us to a short prayer in silence.

Sunday started with a street games in Jerusalem. Small, mixed Italian-Israeli groups received some tasks to do in the shortest possible time (for example to taste halva from the "King of Halva" at the Mahane Yehuda market). During lunch in Casa Nova, a group of young volunteers from Milan joined our walk on the walls of Jerusalem. The group is helping with the children at the Jerusalem seat of the Vicariate. The final points of the day were the visit to the Western Wall, the Eucharist in Saints Simeon and Anne (with dinner after mass prepared by the members of the kehilla) and a short walk in the New City.

On Monday morning, we left Ein Karem for the Judean Desert. The visit and the walk in Wadi David was not easy. The sun was strong, but the bathing in the waterfall was refreshing. In the Cave of Dodim, Father Piotr gave a talk about Ein Gedi and different ways of reading the biblical metaphors. The water of the Dead Sea in Ein Bokek was very warm, so we came back home quite tired. Not tired enough however to go to sleep. We participated in a Taize night prayer at the Monastery of the Sisters of Zion. We had the occasion to have small talks with the Sisters and Brothers (among them Sister Anne-Catherine and Brother Tiago) and to see the museum dedicated to Alphonse Ratisbonne, the Jewish Catholic founder of Our Lady of Sion.

On Tuesday we walked from the Mount of Olives through Dominus Fleviit to the Gethsemane Garden. There, under the olive trees, we celebrated Eucharist. After short visits to the Basilica of Nations and the Orthodox church of Mary’s tomb, we went for lunch in East Jerusalem. Free time in the Old City was preceded by a visit to the Holy Sepulcher Basilica. The evening was filled with dances and games at the streets of Ein Karem.

Next day, started with a visit to Our Lady Woman of Valor Pastoral Center in Tel Aviv, where Father David, Patriarchal Vicar met with the group and explained the work of the Center and the life of the migrants in south Tel Aviv. The group also met the babies that spend their days in the Center’s day-care. At Rabin Square in Tel Aviv, Angie talked about the story of assassination of the Prime Minister and we walked to Dizengoff Center. After a short time for shopping and a spontaneous performance at the fountain (a group dance at the square) we walked to towards the sea. Two hours at the beach were enough and we arrived at the Monastery of the Franciscan Fathers, where Father Carlos, the superior, gave a talk about Saint Peter. There was a quiz during the talk and we realized how little we know about the leader of the apostles. After a short time for free roaming in the Old City of Jaffa we celebrated Eucharist and had dinner prepared by the members of the community. The evening finished with tears of good bye. A major part of Israeli group ended at this moment the time spent together.

On Thursday morning the program was free for those who wanted to visit the churches in Ein Karem and prepare for departure. It was a special time of meeting with old friends and getting to know new ones. We are very happy that despite the difficulties even four members of the Desert Flower who currently serve in the Israeli army could join us even if for a short time. We promised to stay in touch and to meet in Poland at the World Youth Day in 2016.

Thanks to everyone who helped to prepare the visit. Thanks to Pontifical Mission and the German association (DVHL) for financial support. Thanks also for the hospitality of all whom we met, especially of the Franciscan Fathers, whose generosity to us is very much appreciated. Good Bye friends from Naples. See you in Cracow.

Yallah, andiamo! Kapaim!!!!

pozuolli youth

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