Sacrament of Confirmation in Jerusalem

On Saturday, December 30th, 2023, 9 young people received the Sacrament of Confirmation at Ratisbonne Monastery in Jerusalem.

The cycle of preparation that started a year and a half ago with Fr. David Neuhaus was concluded by Fr. Benny in December 2023. This catechetical ministry is held as a partnership between the Salesian St. Savio Oratory at Ratisbonne Monastery and St James Vicariate.


Our Vicar, Fr Piotr Zelazko, presided over the Mass and conferred the Sacrament on the kids. The Mass was concelebrated by Fr. Mathew Coutinho, Patriarchal Vicar for the Migrants and Asylum Seekers who was for years the coordinator of the Salesian apostolate including St Savio Oratory. Fr David, Fr Gregoire, Fr Tiago and Fr Benny were also present as well as parents, relatives and friends of those receiving the Sacrament.


We thank all those who contributed to the preparation of these new confirmed in the faith, especially Fr Vincent Bosco, Fr Benny Di Bitonto and Deacon Matteo Sassano. Likewise, we pray that God through his Holy Spirit keep these young men and women in faith as disciples and witnesses of Christ throughout their life. 

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