Confirmations in south Tel Aviv

On Saturday, May 18, 2013, 40 confirmations were celebrated in the Divine Mercy Chapel in south Tel Aviv as the community celebrated Pentecost.



25 children prepared for confirmation over the past year during Hebrew language catechism classes held in the Divine Mercy Chapel were confirmed by Father David Neuhaus, Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel and responsible for the Filipino communities. The children, all Filipino children born in Israel, were accompanied by their families and sponsors. The lively mass, the first of four masses that are celebrated each Saturday, was also attended by the other children who have attended catechism classes at the chapel. Father David was assisted by the priest responsible for the chapel, Father Ric Fernando and Father Roch, a priest from Deir Rafat, who has been regularly helping out with the confirmation classes.

15 adults were also confirmed by Father David at a later mass, the last of the four Saturday masses. He had asked that adults be identified who had not been confirmed as young people as it would be appropriate to give them the sacrament during the Year of Faith. The 15 are all women care givers, some who have been in Israel for many years. They too were accompanied by their family members and sponsors.

Both celebrations were followed by sumptuous receptions and the joyful celebration was enhanced by wonderful Filipino cooking.




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