Ecclesia in Medio Oriente in Hebrew on Vatican website

For the first time, the official Vatican website has published a Church document in Hebrew. The document in question is the Apostolic Exhortation “Ecclesia in Medio Oriente”.

In a message sent by the Apostolic Nunciature in Israel, Mgr. Waldemar Sommertag, Charge d’affaires for the Embassy, sent a message from Mgr. Giovanni Angelo Becciu from the Vatican Secretariat of State, thanking the Saint James Vicariate for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel for providing the Vatican with a translation of the Apostolic Exhortation “Ecclesia in Medio Oriente” into Hebrew. This exhortation was written by the Holy Father after the Synod of the Catholic Church of the Middle East in 2010 and delivered to the heads of the Catholic Church by the Holy Father during his visit to Lebanon in September 2012.

The translation was done by Dima, a member of the Jerusalem kehilla, and edited in the Vicariate for publication.

Read the document in Hebrew on the Vatican site here



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