Mangal at the Kehilla

Marie Jhoy, a lay Filipina coordinator, reports on the celebration for Filipino children at the Jerusalem kehilla on Saturday July 28, 2012. A group of Filipino children has been meeting at the Jerusalem kehilla throughout the summer.


We had been waiting for that day to come... the BBQ Day! It was really a day to remember. We ended up with so much food in our tummies, so much joy and fun in our hearts, and so much grace and gratefulness in our spirits.

When everything was ready, we lit the mangal (the BBQ grill). The parents had brought varieties of good food: chicken wings, hotdogs, pork (baboy), fruits, salads, ice cream, drinks, breads and pita. And I had never thought that Father Piotr has a talent in the kitchen as well. He prepared food too: shishlik. It was so good for the eyes and soon was great on my taste buds too.

You could see the excitement in everyone's eyes, especially the kids that were very smart in putting the hotdogs on sticks. Everyone fulfilled their role: some grilled while others prepared the tables. As the fire burned, you could observe each one craving for what was on the grill. Its good smell spread and it made us crave for even more.

When the first course was ready, the kids sang a prayer. It was a song that was sung before meals at the summer kaytana (children's camp). Everyone participated in singing the song. You could see the happiness in each parent's face because it was proof that the kids did enjoy their kaytana.

Father Piotr's specialty was the very first food that was served. Everybody wanted to have a stick shishlik and it was indeed delicious! Soon, the hotdogs, the "baboy" and the chicken wings followed. We did not know what to pick for the second course because everything was so tasty and delicious. We enjoyed the desserts afterwards. We were so full and yet the table was still full of BBQs.

After finishing our last sticks, Fr. Piotr told us to go inside the community hall. He had prepared something to be watched. He asked us to sit and be quiet, he turned off the light, and a flash on the wall appeared... the video started to run. The kids smiled when they read the title of the video: "Kaytana 2012". A slideshow of photos from the kaytana. The kids watched attentively and shouted the names of those persons who were shown. I know that there were more than 70 children who had participated in the kaytana, and I whispered to myself: "Our kids made so many new friends and they even remember the names of each kid appearing on the screen". I was very impressed! As the video ran on, some photos were really funny and cute. Kids giggled, laughed and screamed... as did the parents too!

Mass was next. Before going into the church, we first posed for a group picture that afterwards ended with smiles and laughter because Fr. Piotr asked for a wacky pose. Everybody really did a good pose for that. We headed to the church, passing the table still full of food. No one dared to pick any from it. Everybody was still full.

We have a very meaningful Mass celebration. The Gospel was so rich. It was about the miracle of the loaves and the fishes. The homily was great. I reflected that I will never be hungry when I am with Jesus, He can provide even more than I need! We are blessed indeed: we have received the body and the blood of Christ during communion. The Mass became even more meaningful to me when I faced all the people inside the church to offer the sign of peace. I realized that I am in the United Nations because there were so many nations represented inside; Filipinos, Italians, Russians, Poles, etc., joining as one, celebrating the Holy Eucharist. Isn't it wonderful?! We all received the blessings of the Lord after the Mass.

I was just behind the backdoor, after the Mass, and was the first to exit. I opened the door, and I was surprised at what I saw; Three big cats enjoying all the great foods on the table! The baboooy!!! I hurriedly told Ate (an older sister) and Josie about what I had found out. We cleaned the table. "Ok," I whispered again to myself, "truly Jesus will never leave me hungry, I was so full today, that we even more than enough on the table... for those three big cats! Well, Jesus loves them too, They are His Father's creatures too."

I told Father Piotr, how blessed those cats are. I was even more surprised at his reaction... He almost fainted. He said, "Oh, the baboy!". Sounds like, "oi va voi!"

A blessed day indeed, for me, for everybody... for all God's creatures.

I am so thankful to God for giving us these people: Father David and Father Piotr. I can proudly say, our summer is really great.

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