Christmas tree at Saint Rachel Center

Sister Claudia, director of the children’s program at the Saint Rachel Center in Jerusalem, reports on the setting up of the Christmas tree at the Center.

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A long “ohhhhhhhhh” came out of the mouth of BBoy, as he exited the room where the games are and ran into the corridor. He immediately noticed the lights on the Christmas tree, which were shining. He stopped, remained immobile with his mouth open and then shouted “Come, come and see”, his eyes shining with wonder and a smile that lit up his whole face.

Immediately, I thought of that the shepherds might have also exploded with the same cry of wonder when they saw Jesus and began to perceive the dimensions of the incredible gift, a gift that cannot be totally appropriated but which was all theirs!

The lights on the Christmas tree were only one of the gifts that we received from the community of the Poor Clare Sisters. Through Father Rafic, Mother Mariachiara sent us six boxes of Christmas decorations with which we could adorn Saint Rachel Center.

Mother Mariachiara wrote to us: “We are happy that you will be able to savor. These are things that caused great joy in our monastery at Christmas time, great love of the Incarnation… We have close at heart your project and as we cannot come in person to be with the children, I proposed to the sisters to share this Christmas… to bring joy to your center”.

Many of the decorations were, in fact, made with great love and precision by Mrs. Franca, the mother of Mother Mariachiara.

Meanwhile, Marie-Caroline, a French volunteer, initiated the preparation of the statues around the manger, made of dough, with the children. We baked them and we will paint them. Perhaps the result will not be very artistic but every child, who participated in the work, will be able to really experience the presence of the Lord Jesus.

We want to sincerely thank the entire community of the Poor Clare Sisters and we promise our prayer for them and for Mrs. Franca: the beauty and the light radiate within our walls, joy illuminates the hearts of our children and spreads into our lives.

Thank you!

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