Third day in Cracow

Benedetto, seminarian for the Saint James Vicariate, reports from Cracow on the day the youth spent there on Wednesday, July 27, 2016.

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The third day in Cracow brought us many surprises and much joy. The city is full of groups of youth and there is no place left. The meetings with the groups brought much joy to our youth who feel accepted and loved because of the fact that they represent the Church in Israel. Even representatives of countries that do not have relations with Israel enthusiastically asked to be photographed with us and the flags that we carry: Iraqis, Syrians, Iranians… as well as Jordanians and Egyptians.

One young man from Lebanon said to me that theoretically we are supposed to be enemies however in Christ we are all one, residents of the city that knows no borders. Then we made the sign of the cross on each other, embraced and expressed that the hope that we would meet in the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem one day in the not too distant future.

In the morning, we visited the Wieliczka Salt Mine, a very important salt quarry in Poland. It is very impressive because it contains in tens of meters underground a splendid church where everything is made of salt, the floor, the ceiling, the lights, the statues, the altar…

In the evening, we participated in a Taize prayer and there we were given the opportunity to read some passages of the Gospel and some prayers in Hebrew.

The day ended at about 22.00 when we returned home to renew our forces.

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