Taizé visit at Jerusalem kehilla

On Thursday, January 14, 2016, two brothers from the Taizé community in France visited the kehilla of Jerusalem.

taize jerusalem

The Hebrew speaking Catholic community in Israel has many ties with the Taizé community in France, an ecumenical monastic community that is renown because of its spirituality and musical tradition. One of the peak moments in this relationship was the visit of the Desert Flower youth group to Taizé in 2012.

Therefore, it was with joy that the Jerusalem kehilla welcomed Brothers Hector and Jean-Jacques to a special meeting after daily mass on Thursday, January 14. Benedetto and Father Alberto, both with longstanding relations with the French monastery, led the chanting of Taizé melodies in Hebrew. During the meeting, the two brothers explained their reason for coming and the vision behind their four month long pilgrimage through the Middle East.

Taizé is seeking how to respond to the crisis in the Middle East that has affected the Christian communities dramatically. The monastery is seeking how to respond to the waves of refugees arriving in Europe from the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere. Members of the kehilla expressed the hope that the ties between the kehilla and Taizé would be strengthened.

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