Mass for Migrants at Tomb of Marie-Alphonsine

On Thursday, May 14, 2015, those engaged in the Coordination of the Pastoral Among Migrants gathered at the Sisters of the Rosary Church in Mamila, Jerusalem, to give thanks for the two new saints.

rosary convent
In a mass celebrated in the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary in Mamila, where the mortal remains of soon to be canonized Marie-Alphonsine Ghattas can be venerated, about fifty people, among them many of those engaged in the service of migrant workers and asylum seekers, gave thanks for the two new saints from the Holy Land. The mass was celebrated by Father David Neuhaus, Latin Patriarchal Vicar.

In his homily, Father David urged that we all imitate the two new saints, Carmelite Mariam Bawardi (Mary of Jesus Crucified) and Rosary Sisters’ foundress Marie-Alphonsine Ghattas. “Sometimes we are like Judas Iscariot, betraying the Lord to his enemies, but God sends in every generation those like Matthias, whose feast we celebrate today, who replaces the betrayer and restores the body to wholeness. These saints call us back to God and show us how to live holiness in our day to day lives. In their words and deeds they proclaim the resurrection. We can follow in their footsteps by seeking how to live the resurrection in our daily lives – forgiving instead of holding grudges, stretching out a hand to help those in need instead of averting our look… We thank the Lord that he called these two women from this land in which we live. It reminds us that we too are called to be saints”.

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