
Communauté de Jérusalem

La communauté de Jérusalem s’est réunie pendant plusieurs dizaines d’années à la Maison Saint Isaïe, centre administré par les Pères dominicains et situé dans le couvent des Pères lazaristes, rue Agron.

Communauté de Haïfa

Il existe aussi une communauté d’expression hébraïque à Haïfa, sur le mont Carmel, lieu où vivait le prophète Elie.

Communauté de Beersheva

La communauté de Beersheva a une particularité : c’est la seule communauté qui représente à elle seule l’Eglise catholique dans la ville.

Communauté de Tel Aviv - Jaffa

La communauté de Tel Aviv-Jaffa est la plus ancienne de toutes nos communautés.

Tiberias Community

The Tiberias community is the only Catholic parish around the Sea of Galilee. The Parish church is dedicated to St. Peter the Apostle, and is situated inside the Casa Nova that belongs to the Custody of the Holy Land. The church is ancient: It was originally built by the Crusaders around 1100 C.E. and it is located on the western shore of the lake, along the promenade of Tiberias.

Communautés russophones

De prêtres sont au service des catholiques de langue russe qui ont immigré en Israël au cours des dernières années.

Migrant Community

Since the end of the 1990s, Israel has been importing large numbers of migrant workers. The Filipino community being the largest among the migrant communities, a Filipino Chaplaincy was established already in the 1990s; then an Indian Chaplaincy was established in 2010. The work of the Latin Patriarchate with the Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel started to be more structured and organized in 2011. It was in the wake of a visit to Jerusalem by Archbishop (subsequently Cardinal) Antonio Maria Vegliò, President of the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Itinerant People. In April 2011, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem formally established a Coordination for the Pastoral among Migrants (CPAM) to direct the Church’s efforts in serving, organizing and catechizing the extensive population of Roman Catholic migrants in Israel, particularly those who are not taken care of by other Church bodies or religious orders and congregations...

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