Christmas greetings to the Catholic communities

The Geez rite Catholic communities gathered today in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in order to celebrate Christmas.

Since it is celebrated in their church on January 7. Fr Rafic, Coordinator of the Pastoral among Migrants, and Sr Agnese, secretary of the CPAM, were privileged to participate in the mass celebrated at Ratisbonne Center, in Jerusalem, by Father Medhin, Chaplain of the Geez rite. It was an impressing and refreshing experience: the loud voices of the believers singing with faith - accompanied by musical instruments, the multitude of liturgical symbols that draw attention, the joyful dances at the end of the prayer, etc. We express our greetings to our Geez rite Catholic brothers and wish them comfort and joy in these difficult times.

לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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