Bishop Shomali at the Jerusalem kehilla for the Presentation feast

On Sunday evening, February 5, 2017, Latin Auxiliary Bishop William Shomali celebrated the festive mass at the Jerusalem kehilla.

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The Feast of the Presentation is the feast of the Jerusalem kehilla, which gathers in the Saints Simeon and Anne House in Jerusalem. Father Rafic, the responsible for the Jerusalem kehilla, invited Bishop William Shomali, Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Palestine, to be the main celebrant for the festive Sunday mass during which the Feast was celebrated.

The celebration began in the courtyard with the blessing of candles, followed by a joyful candle light procession into the chapel, where mass was celebrated. In his homily, Bishop Shomali focused on the Holy Spirit, which led Simeon to identify the baby Jesus in the Temple and which inspired Anne. This same Spirit guided Mary and Joseph in their every step. It was the Spirit that filled men and women throughout the generations to await the coming of the Messiah.

The Bishop continued, saying, “We too had the same privilege of receiving the Spirit through baptism and confirmation. We became His Temple and His dwelling. What grace and honor to have Him as our guide! He teaches us how to pray, to praise, to beg and repent. He fills us with joy and strength, piety and the fear of God.”

After the mass, there was a sumptuous reception and the Bishop was able to greet the faithful before departing, on his way to Jordan.

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