Seminar on mental health at Our Lady Woman of Valor

Twenty members of the Coordination for the Pastoral Among Migrants gathered on Thursday, November 26, 2015, at the Our Lady Woman of Valor Pastoral Center in south Tel Aviv for a seminar on mental health that was directed by Dr. Ido Lurie of the Gesher Clinic.

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Dr. Ido Lurie is a psychiatrist and he directs the Gesher Clinic, which offers free mental health services to the population of migrant workers and asylum seekers. The seminar he directed for pastoral workers aimed at educating about mental health in general and particularly when it comes to the populations of migrants in Israel. Those who attended are working full time with populations living in situations of great stress and cases of mental breakdown and psychological disorders are common. Dr. Lurie pointed out that this population is much more prone to all kinds of abnormal mental conditions than the general population.

It is hoped that this seminar be a first step in collaboration between the CPAM and the Gesher Clinic.

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