Listen to the Mass in Hebrew

Here you can hear the text of the Roman Catholic mass read slowly in Hebrew. The reader is Father David Neuhaus SJ, who was Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew-speaking Catholics in the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem from 2009 to 2017. The mass is for the feast of Isaiah the Prophet and the readings (from Isaiah and Psalms) are read by the late Father Abraham Shmueloff. This is to aide those who wish to familiarize themselves with the text of the mass in Hebrew.

01 - Introductory Rite - Read text in Hebrew - listen mp3

02 - Readings - Read text in Hebrew

First Reading - Isaiah 2,1-5 - listen mp3

Psalm 122 - listen mp3

Gospel Reading - Mark1,1-3 - listen mp3

3 - Credo - Read text in Hebrew - listen mp3

4 - Offertory - Read text in Hebrew - listen mp3

5 - Eucharistic Prayer 2 - Read text in Hebrew - listen mp3

6 - Communion Rite - Read text in Hebrew - listen mp3

7 - Conclusion - Read text in Hebrew - listen mp3

8 - Appendix - Eucharistic Prayer 3 - Read text in Hebrew - listen mp3

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© 2020 Saint James Vicariate for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel