Ge’ez rite Easter with Eastern Churches

On Saturday night, April 11, 2015, the community of Ge’ez rite Catholics (Eritreans and Ethiopians) celebrated the Easter vigil together with the Orthodox and Oriental Churches.

geez rite easterThe Ge’ez rite faithful filled the church at the Ratisbonne monastery in Jerusalem for the Easter vigil mass celebrated by the chaplain of the Ge’ez rite community Father Medhin. As soon as he finished the mass in Jerusalem, Father Medhin rushed to Jaffa, where the Ge’ez rite faithful were waiting for him in the Church of Saint Anthony and there he celebrated the beautiful liturgy of the Resurrection once again.

The Ge’ez rite faithful are all asylum seekers in Israel. We pray for them in a special way.

Throughout the Holy Land, the Orthodox and Oriental faithful celebrate Easter today, Sunday, April 12, 2015, and we wish them all a Happy Easter! Christ is indeed risen!

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